Friday, April 21, 2017

Charting the path for next few years


  • 老师对教学很认真
  • 学校大部分的课是小班制
  • 学校的三个本科学位都市场可能受欢迎的
  • 认证很完整
  • 地处断杉矶是一个很好的吸引全球学生的地点
  • 学校的设施,科技十分先进

  • 招生的管道非常的限制
  • 周围高中级社区大学对学校的认识非常有限
  • 招生策略太保守
  • 学校一两位高层管理对招生不了解也不热心
  • 学校做招生决定的过程十分混乱大部分员工都不了解如何参与
  • 学校的管职员对于学校的招生成败没有直接的联系
  • 学校没有学生的习课外活动,也没有利用到毕业生的联系


1. 访问学校附近20所高中访问
2. 访问学校附近10所社区大学
3. 将目前购买名单的经费分一半到社群网路(Facebook, instangram) 的销售推广
4. 提供20名到50名的奖学金
5. 定制1000分的学校宣传单给高中毕业生

1. 联系南加州20所可能有转学生的学校, 希望收到秋季班的转学生
2. 确定中国2+2,3+1的学生能够转来大部分的学分
3. 用合法的方式找代理
4. 确定我们能够对国际学生有很好的照顾
5. 确定网页对国际学生很友善

在中程计划上, 今后一年到两年
  1. 建立学校的口碑
  2. 经常性的去拜访高中级社区大学做招生工作
  3. 签订国际招生协定
  4. 设立计算机硕士班级工管理硕士班
  5. 淘汰不合适的老师职员
  6. 任公司每个员工对招生销售都有了解,都有意愿帮助

在长程计划上, 我的了解还不够成熟, 再于董事常讨论吧
基本上我建议, 要建立成一个数万人的学校
1. 申请WASC认证
2。 改名,增加校区
3 。改为非营利组织

学校面临许多挑战, 事情千头万绪, 我们先从招生做起, 下一步改善制度, 再改善教学质量。许多的我的想法也需要多向各位请教, 学校需要改的事情我就直言, 有不礼貌的地方请大家多多包涵

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

First full day

Started driving at 4:30 and arrived at MSC by 8:45.  Try to read very comprehensive guidelines - most of them I am familiar and instructed to my own students several times:

The energy and people at MSC is good.  The degree programs are sound.  The management seems to be indifference to student learning but focus on the business - a problem in any school.  Just the design of the building - management suites are completely separated from learning space, it a good example.

Three strategies for domestic
- visit high schools and build direct relations, instead of relying on PR company.
- degree the funding for the lead flow and put the resources into social media marketing
- create 50 full and 50 half scholarship to attract high achieving students

Three strategies for international
- streamline the admission process
- work with transfer students (many small colleges are closing)
- building international student support infrastructure

Long term three strategies
- change to non-profit and change name
- build graduate programs
- seek WASC accreditation

To do list - with a day!!
- scholarship policy
- job description for Marketing Director
- job description for Recruitment Director (or it is Isabel?)

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Meet the team

Jo hn Per sa vich, the president presented me to the leadership team

Viki - department chair Business
Migo - media and game lead
Lauren Seo - international program
Heidi - support
Violet- cashier
Roy - academic operation - Pasadena board

I started with a joke "I have a talent, I can tell equally bad jokes in both English and Chinese"

I let them know I am a student of change and innovation and my track records at CSU

“Getting every employee’s mind into the game is a huge part of what a CEO job is all about. Taking everyone’s best ideas and transferring them to others is the secret. There’s nothing more important.”
—Jack Welch

Monday, April 10, 2017

Best route south

There is no easy way going back and forth between Carmel and La Tech.

Driving takes five and half hours and a lot of attention.  Flying takes even more time:

90 min to San Jose and park
60 min waiting for security and boarding
75 min for the flight
15 min to leave the Burbank
45 min to drive to La Tech
- 285 minutes and almost 5 hours plus the uncertainty

Current solution:
10 min drive to Monterey
20 minutes security and wait for the plane
70 minutes flight to LAX
15 minute to leave LAX
60 minute uber to La Tech (someone else is driving so I can make phone call)

Total 175 minutes.  That is doable.

If I play it right - $230+$100 (uber) = $330 X 40 = $13000 commute cost per year is not too bad!